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Charlotte Summers looking for information about her daughter Anna Morrow (or Anna Chiles)

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Charritie Thompson (formerly Charritie Hunter) searching for her mother Silvia and siblings Peter, Evans, Belsora, Tillar, and Mary Ann

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Chloe Clark searching for her son Freeman Clark

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Clara Brown seeking information about her sister Caroline Mansfield

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Clara Carriger looking for her daughter Minerva Cavanaugh

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Clara Carrigger seeking information about her parents Clara and Sam Cavanaugh and her daughter Minervia Cavanaugh

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Clara Foltz searching for the family of her father Mitchel Oliver

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Clarissa Reed searching for her mother Pearline, stepfather Sam, and siblings

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Clarrisie searching for her parents Shadrick and Dillie and siblings Tilman, Jackson, Ellis, Patsy, and Sindie

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Clerry Ann Bertolotte searching for her parents, Susan and Cain Alison, and her siblings

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Cole Brown searching for his brother Henry Gillum

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Collier Mitchell seeking their relatives including their mother and father

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Cora Anderson searching for the family of her mother Matilda Vanoy

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D. Carter searching for Sisley and Lucy A. White

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D. J. Price searching for his uncles John and Jesse Price, as well as an unnamed uncle

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D. J. Price seeking his uncles John and Jesse Price

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D. J. Price seeking information about his father, William Price's family

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Daniel Allen searching for his relatives including sisters Biddy, Lucy, and Sallie Allen

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Daniel Hoskin searching for his parents Susan and Jerry Hoskin and siblings Margaret and Frederick

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Daniel Jackson searching for two uncles

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Daniel Oakes searching for his parents Abraham and June and several siblings

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Daniel Sanders searching for his two brothers William and Izard Sanders

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Daniel Tate searching for his children Daniel, Susan, and Mary Tate

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Daniel West (formerly Daniel Cooper) looking for his father Jeff Cooper, his mother Susie Cooper, and his siblings

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David Cook searching for his brother

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