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Millie Miles (formerly Millie Johnson) searching for her sister and brother

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Menerca Broomfield searching for Stephen Anderson and Mary Broomfield

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Melviney Yorker searching for her siblings Perry, Jacob, Moalen, Martha, and Jane Louisa Scott

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Melindy Stewart searching for her mother Eliza, father Jack, and siblings

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Mattie Grant seeking her father Isaac Sligh, grandfather Richard, grandmother Matilda Williams, and uncle Edmond

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Matthew Williams searching for his parents Jack  Johnson and Mrs. Gatcey Johnson

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Matthew Thompson searching for his brothers, and aunts Fannie and Sallie

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Mason Hopson (formerly Mason Jones) searching for his mother Lucy and brothers Joseph and David Jones

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Mary Seals searching for her father, mother, brothers, and daughter

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Mary Paine looking for Nelly Paine

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Mary O. Johnson searching for her father David Nelson

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Mary Jane Summers seeking her sister Caroline Summers

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Mary Jane Douglass searching for her son Godfrey and relatives

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Mary Goodloe searching for her stepfather Daniel Battle and mother Eliza Battle

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Mary Cook (formerly Mary Gill) searching for her brother and step-father

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Martha Turner searching for her mother Frances Mahuldy and her siblings

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Martha Taylor searching for her son Charles Taylor

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Martha Montgomery searching for her son John Cooks

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Martha Gaines searching for her brother John Gaines and father Ned Gaines

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Martha Carroll looking for her siblings and her parents Delphy and Andrew Buckner

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Martha Bills searching for her brothers Rufus and Lewis Glaze

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Maria Wilson Botly seeking her mother Celia Wilson, and her siblings Nace, Sandy, and Minerva Wilson

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