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Ned Duncan (formerly Ned Block) seeking information about his mother Winnie Block and brothers Moses and Richard

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George W. Thomas searching for his brother Allen Thomas

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Sydney Battle seeking information about his father James Murray

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George Villars seeking information about his sister Mary Carethers

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Henry Black searching for his family including sister Caroline Ware and brother Willis Ware

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Maria Taylor (formerly Maria Monday) searching for her brothers Robert, Benjamin, and Joe

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Sara Jane Farris searching for her father Land Callery, sister, and brother

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Candis Bentley searching for their parents Meally and James Woodward and siblings

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Harry Tony searching for his sister Margaret Robers

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Mary Clarra (formerly Mary Spotts) searching for her daughters Ginsey and Nancy

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Leven Currie searching for their father and sisters

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Charles Westley Blaylock searching for his brother James and sister Caroline

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Frank Dusin searching for his mother Millie Bradley

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Edmond Thomas searching for his mother Aceneth and siblings

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David Cook searching for his brother

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Mary Louise Pratts searching for her sisters (II)

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John Holmes searching for his stepfather Benton, mother Lettie, and brother Dick Holmes

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Jane searching for her sister Lydia Calcoat and several female relatives

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Mary Winters (formerly Mary Flourney) searching for her father Brazil Ellington

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Peeer Daucia searching for Charles Evans and his wife Celia

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Rev. A. B. Anderson searching for his brother Linn Pates Butte

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Sallie Ellis (formerly Sallie Carroll) searching for her mother Flora Carroll and brother John Samuel Carroll

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Unnamed searching for their father and his family

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Virginia Williams searching for her sister Carolee Harris

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Willis Mays searching for his aunt Sophia and uncles Ruben Grimes and John Ray

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