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  • Tags: grandparent(s)
W. C. Lewis searching for their relatives, including their grandparents Nancy Pratt and Thomas Saunders

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L. W. C. Wilson searching for his father's relatives, including his father's mother Henrietta

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J. W. Winbush searching for their father's relatives, including their grandmother Edith Williams and brother Daniel Williams

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Arthur S. Glover searching for his grandmother Sarah, Mrs. Emily Kennedy, and his aunts and uncles

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America Liggins searching for her father Pat Robinson, her mother Mima, and her siblings

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Mattie Grant seeking her father Isaac Sligh, grandfather Richard, grandmother Matilda Williams, and uncle Edmond

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C. L. Crump searching for his grandparent's relative

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Julia Cooper searching for her aunt Georgiana and uncles Matthew and Washington

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Mary Jane Sharp searching for her father's family

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Mary McCauly (formerly Mary Gordon) seeking her relatives

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W. M. Smith searching for his grandmother Hannah Warespoon

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Reverend H. P. Coulter seeking his family, including his father Henry Couter (formerly Henry Turntine)

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James Beaver searching for his mother's father Stephen Thomas, mother Priscilla Thomas, and her siblings

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B. J. Reddix seeking his relatives including his grandfather Moses Reddix

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Aggy Ellis searching for Aggy Campbell

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Mrs. Thomas L. Johnson seeking her father Joseph Thompson, grandmother Rachel Marlin,  sisters Cecelia and Priscilla, and brother Henson Thompson

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Myrtle Royal Virginia Lester is searching for her grandparents

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Mary Williams searching for her daughter Harriet Hayes, grandson Mansa, and granddaughter Helen

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Mary Rakes searching for her mother and her mother's grandchildren Sammy, George, and Betsy

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George Henry Forbes searching for his father George Henry, mother Henrietta Forbes, and siblings James, Margaret, and Area

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Stephen and Judy Calhoun searching for family including Judy's siblings Sarah, Indiana, Silia, Harriett, Estha, Ransom, Mark, Matthews, Squire, and Welcom

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Jane Chaster (formerly Jane Tomlen) seeking information about her brothers Emmett and Willis Tomlen and sisters Rebecca, Polly, and Sallie Tomlen

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Mrs. Lucy Williams searching for mother Lucy Williams and grandmother Louisa Williams.

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Ambrose Dallas Ayres looking for his uncles

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Mariah Green searching for her father Capt. Bryant, grandmother Hannah, and sisters Mintie and Rose

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