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Neal Waiters searching for his father's sister

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V. L. Burril searching for their father Neale Peachlon

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Leathy Edwards looking for her family

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Mattie Grant seeking her father Isaac Sligh, grandfather Richard, grandmother Matilda Williams, and uncle Edmond

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Sallie Barker (formerly Sarah Sibley) looking for her father Dick Cush, mother Polly Sibley, and siblings

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Jim Wilcox searching for his parents Katie and Jack Wilcox

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Angelina Atwood seeking her sister Harriet Caroline Smith (formerly Harriet Caroline Russell) and brother-in-law Mr. Hartwell Smith

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Caroline Hogan (formerly Caroline Brown) looking for her father Isaac Jimerson, her mother Peggy Brown, and her siblings

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Reverend Daniel Lewis (formerly Daniel Martin) seeking his sisters Eliza and Lucinda

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G. B. Wilson looking for Lyons May

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J. W. M. Abernethy seeking Prof. L. W. Miner's relatives

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Jessie Mitchell searching for their father Ben Mitchell (or Ben Dotson), step-mother Patience Burton, and siblings Nancy, Tom Burton and Howard Burton

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Matthew Williams searching for his parents Jack  Johnson and Mrs. Gatcey Johnson

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Sarah Williams searching for her parents Peter and Melia

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Martha Montgomery searching for her son John Cooks

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Sue Ann Heneson (formerly Linberger) searching for mother's family

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Christeful Lanehart seeking Claiborne Lanehart

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Jake Piper seeking his wife Maley Piper and child

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Silvy Silas looking for her sons Jackson, John, and David

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Washington Stewart searching for his brother Abraham Stewart

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Amanda Overton (formerly Amanda Williams) looking for her family, including her mother Martha

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J. F. Littlejohn seeking Jerry, Pride, Irvin, and James Brown

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Baptist Martin looking for his father Dick Martin

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Rev. James McHenry (formerly James Dewprew) searching for his sister Emaline Dewprew, brother-in-law Oughtaway Johnson, and relatives

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Viney Richardson (formerly Viney Fuller) searching for their children Sarah Matilda Jane and Thomas Henderson

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