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  • Tags: aunt(s)
  • Aunt(s) identifies the person being looked for as a parent's sibling or describes someone included in a family history as such.

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Hannah Rembert (formerly Hannah Sinclair) seeking her mother's relatives, including Nicholls Walters and Henry B. Walters

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Handy Gales searching for his cousin Ross Thomas

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H. A. Williams (formerly Simon) searching for his mother Mary and aunts

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H. A. Williams (formerly Simon Williams) searching for his mother Mary Williams, aunt Hannah Brunson, and grandmother Selia

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Giles West searching for the children of his grandmother Amelia West

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Gideon Austin searching for his relatives, including his sister Elsie Violet and brothers George and Anderson

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George White looking for his mother Minerva Jackson

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Elmira Kirkwood searching for her mother Jane Harris

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Elmira Brack searching for family members including mother Silvy and uncle Tom

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Eliza Powell looking for her mother Millie Rese's people

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Ed Kneeright searching for his grandmother Lucy Walter and her children Rachel, Cherry, and Sam Walter

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Easter Carding searching for her family including her father Shearfe

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E. W. Sanders seeking their siblings William, Henry, James, George, Jack, Jennie, Catherine, Willie, Elijah, and Robert Sanders

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E. Johnson seeking their relatives, including their uncle Andrew Mitchell and his wife Nipey

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E. E. Sutton searching for their father Isaac Sutton, aunts, and cousins

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David Rideout searching for his father's relatives, including his grandparents Dick and Peggy Rideout

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D. J. Price seeking information about his father, William Price's family

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Cornelius Waiters seeking his father's sister Cornelia Ashby

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Cora Anderson searching for the family of her mother Matilda Vanoy

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Clerry Ann Bertolotte searching for her parents, Susan and Cain Alison, and her siblings

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Charles Edward Hudson searching for his father Richard Hudson

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Catherine Strong searching for her unnamed mother's family

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Caroline Holloway looking for her mother's family

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Caesar Ferguson searching for his uncle Benjamin and aunt Phillis

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Betty Allen searching for her father Bob Bannett and aunt Dinah

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