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Arthur Randall (formerly Arthur Snowton) searching for his three sisters Hannie, Betsy, and Emma White

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Arthur Thomas searching for his aunt Delcie Graves, her husband Frederick Graves, and his uncle James Washington

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Avant Silvy searching for Julien Herynes

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B. F. Williams seeking information about their brother Edmond

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B. J. Dandridge searching for Miss Adeline Young (formerly Adeline Moore)

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B. Rush Plumly is writing of the reunited family of Mr. Ambrose Brackens.

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Becky Henry (formerly Becky Huff) searching for her sister Liza Tracy

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Ben Black searching for his mother Millie Black

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Ben Ford searching for his friend Ben Herbert

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Ben Ivy (formerly Ben Ellis) searching for his mother Katy, his father, and several siblings

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Benjamin Jackson (formerly Benjamin Wicks) seeking information about his mother Harriet Wicks

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Bennet H. Forrest searching for his guardians George and Salley Hunter

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Bennet H. Forrest seeking the family of his mother Sarah Forrest (formerly Sally Johnson and Sally Brown)

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Bennett Forrest searching for his mother Sally Forrest (formerly Sally Brown and Sally Johnson) and extended family

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Berry Newton searching for his brother Anthony

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Betsy Dod searching for her family members including father Summer Thompson and mother Easter

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Bettie Chatman (formerly Bettie Moore) searching for her mother Charity Lay and siblings Charlotte, Hannah, and Jim Benny

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Bettie Dooms seeking information on her uncle Charles Woodson

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Bettie Johnson seeking information about her father Edwin Childs (1st of 2 ads placed)

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Bettie Lee seeking her siblings Harriet, Eliza, Bob,  Sidney, Aaron, and Sarah Jane

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Bettie Moore searching for her sisters Anna Liza Brown and Cornelius, and brother Walter Bell

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Bettie Woodson searching for her father Hudson Harris (also known as Hudson Hargrove), her mother Henriette, and several siblings

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Betty Reynolds searching for her brother Saunk Joyce

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Betty Wrightsell searching for brothers London Walker, Alfred Abner, and sister Mary Jane Wrightsell

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Bill Gross (formerly Bill Caruthers) searching for his mother, three brothers, and sister

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