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  • Tags: aunt(s)
  • Aunt(s) identifies the person being looked for as a parent's sibling or describes someone included in a family history as such.

Julia Cooper searching for her aunt Georgiana and uncles Matthew and Washington

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Mary Jane Sharp searching for her father's family

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Cornelius Waiters seeking his father's sister Cornelia Ashby

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Mary S. Montague (formerly Mary Susan Davis) searching for her aunt Nancy Davis

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Hannah Rembert (formerly Hannah Sinclair) seeking her mother's relatives, including Nicholls Walters and Henry B. Walters

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Samson Gatson searching for his father Rev. Hamon Gatson, brother Anthony Gatson, and aunt Silvia Walter

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Elmira Kirkwood searching for her mother Jane Harris

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B. H. Forrest seeking his family including his four uncles

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William Woods searching for his family including his two brothers

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Lucinda Renfro seeking her aunts Mary and Martha, and uncles Green, Carrol, and Grundy Stubfield

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A. R. Kimble seeking their aunts Dorcus, Lucinda, and Vinetty Eubanks and uncle William Eubanks

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Reverend H. P. Coulter seeking his family, including his father Henry Couter (formerly Henry Turntine)

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Bennet H. Forrest seeking his uncles and aunt

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K. Ford seeking their aunt Rose Jones, uncle Antrim, and cousin Dicy Jones

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B. T. Brown seeking their aunt Diana Haynes

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J. H. Turnley searching for his father Gibson Turnley, uncle Hampton, and aunts Rebecca and Martha

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James Beaver searching for his mother's father Stephen Thomas, mother Priscilla Thomas, and her siblings

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Susan Wilson searching for her relatives, including Henry Payne and her aunt Judy Payne

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Robert F. Sturdivant (formerly Robert Freer) searching for his aunt Henrietta Eaton

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Mrs. Virginia Coaston searching for her mother Hannah McClure and family including her brother, aunts, and uncle

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Mary James seeking her aunts Mary and Martha Lee and her uncle Brewston Lee

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L. S. Deckard (formerly Martha Booman) searching for her family, including father Jarrett Booman and mother Leanah Booman

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Arthur Thomas searching for his aunt Delcie Graves, her husband Frederick Graves, and his uncle James Washington

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Myrtle Royal Virginia Lester is searching for her grandparents

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J. C. Tracy searching for their aunt Mrs. Prior Randolph and Mrs. Sarah Jefferson

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