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  • Tags: Civil War
  • Civil War identifies ads that reference "the war" (1861-1865) fought between the United States and eleven southern states who aligned themselves as the Confederate States of America.

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Susan Arnot searching for several of her children including Nelson Alexander and Elizabeth Mitchell

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Stephen Coleman seeking his uncle Bob Coleman

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Stephen Burke searching for his brother Christopher Burke

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Stephen Brown searching for his son Samuel Brown

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Sophia Gates seeking her mother Betsy Jones and father Yorkup Staples

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Solomon Dean searching for his sisters Eliza and Frances and several members of his extended family

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Sintha Spencer (formerly Sintha Calvin) searching for her mother, father, and brother

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Silas Redman looking for his mother Fanny, father Samuel, and siblings

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Seluda Calaway searching for her sons Henry and George Calaway (1st of 2 ads placed)

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Seluda Calaway looking for information about her sons George and Henry Calaway  (2nd of 2 ads placed)

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Selia Nelson searching for her parents, Edgecomb Glover and Nancy John Glover

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Sebbia McColoach (formerly Sebbia Young) looking for her mother Milly Ann and siblings Rosetta, Ownia, and Charles Young

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Savaran Moore searching for their brother Edmond Francis

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Sarah Williams searching for her parents Peter and Melia

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Sarah Serrington searching for son Wm. B. F. Serrington

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Sarah Oxley looking for her sister Dorcas Richardson

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Sarah Key (formerly Sarah Smith) searching for her family in Louisiana

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Sarah Ann Ray Caldwell searching for her mother Amy Ray

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Sandy Sprattly seeking information of her mother Canddis Sprattly and sister Manervie Sprattly

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Sandy Lynch searching for wife Silvey Lynch

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Samuel Rodgers seeking information about his wife Zilphia Rodgers

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Samuel Pollock searching for his uncles Frank, Sam, and Joe

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Samuel Neal seeking information about his half brother Henry Neal (formerly Henry Kirk)

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Samuel Gould searching for information about Sandy Gould and Wm. Gould

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Sallie White (formerly Sallie Teague) searching for her sister Harriet Adkins and brother Major Randall

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