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Rachel Henderson searching for her family including father Wyatt and mother Ailsey

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Alfred Tyler searching for his step-sons

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Washington Ellerson searching for his mother Lucinda Lumpkins

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Maria Roaman searching for her mother Fannie Roaman

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Nancy Bird (formerly Nancy Birch) searching for her brothers

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Edmond Thomas searching for his mother Aceneth and siblings

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Mrs. Nellie McGowan searching for her son Sandy McGowan

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Henry Simpson searching for his mother Sophie Jerome

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Mrs. Anna De Baller searching for William and Anderson Flemings

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Saml. Dove searching for his mother Areno and siblings

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Fanny Ford searching for her four children and her sister Cleavy.

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Sarah Ann Lewis searching for her family

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Rev. Granville Norman searching for his sister Martha (2nd of 3 ads placed)

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Wm. Simpson searching for his family

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A.J. Turner searching for their father and sister

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Alfred and Mary Bowman searching for Frances McConeco

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Wm. McKenzie searching for his brother Lennies and sister Dinna McKenzie

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Alice Rebecca Lewis (formerly Nee Jackson) searching for her mother Martha Jackson and aunts

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Mason Reddick searching for his parents

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Richard Bradley searching for his mother Elizabeth Bradley, sisters, and brother

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Washington Thompson searching for his father Joseph Thompson

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Matilda Gray searching for her husband and children

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Matilda Davis searching for her mother Beckie Callis, sisters and brothers

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C. Foster searching for his relatives and his wife's relatives

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Harriet Wyche searching for their parents Fanny Wyche and Jack Dunn, and siblings

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