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Chloe Clark searching for her son Freeman Clark

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Charles Westley Blaylock searching for his brother James and sister Caroline

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Charles Pearson searching for his mother and uncle

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Charity Marshall (formerly Charity Perry) looking for her brothers Joe and Francis

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Cassa Banks (formerly Cassa Melven) looking for her daughter Elizabeth

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Caroline Jacox searching for her daughters Mary Jane Jacox and Margaret Ann Jacox

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Calvin Addington searching for his brothers Calvin, George, Charles, and Allen and sisters Hannah and Harriet

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C. V. McCoy searching for his father's people

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Brown Jones searching for his mother Frankie Hightower and brothers Bruce and Car Hightower

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Britton Richardson seeking their son Isham Richardson

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Brantly Herrill searching for his mother

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Betty Wrightsell searching for brothers London Walker, Alfred Abner, and sister Mary Jane Wrightsell

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Betty Allen searching for her father Bob Bannett and aunt Dinah

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Bennett H. Forrest

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Bennett Forrest searching for his mother Sally Forrest (formerly Sally Brown and Sally Johnson) and extended family

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Bennett Forest/Forester searching for his father's relatives

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Bennet Forest searching for his parents' relatives

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Benjamin Franklin searching for his mother Aley

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Benj. Motte searching for unnamed child on behalf of the child's mother

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Ben Ivy (formerly Ben Ellis) searching for his mother Katy, his father, and several siblings

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Barthen Hatch searching for Park, Musliney, Ransom, Jenner, and Minger Smith

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Austin Whitaker searching for his sister Cherry Whitaker or any of her offspring

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Augustus and Lutitia Bryant searching for their five children

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Arnold Burden seeking information about his mother Lucy Smith

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Anty. Powell searching for his father Abraham Beard, mother, sister Millie Crawford, and brother Charles Martin (2nd of 2 ads placed)

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