Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 161 ads Subject is exactly "Do You Know Them? Ad" Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN)The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)Washington Bee (Washington, DC) Tags aunt(s)changed namechild(ren)Civil WarConfederate States Armyconvicteddeceaseddying wishemancipationestateestate divisionfamily historyfemale enslaverforced migrationformer enslaverfoundfraternal groupsfree people of colorfreedgrandparent(s)heir(s)Indian TerritoryinheritanceJohn Brown's Raidkidnappingleft with Union Armyliteracylynchingmanumittedmaritime workmaster diedmigration (north)migration (post-emancipation)migration (west)ministerministers please readmissing person(s)multiple admutual searchnieceorphan/orphanageparent(s)passingpension (Civil War)physical descriptionprobaterailroadremarriedresistanceRobert E. Leerunawayself-emancipationself-purchasesibling(s)simultaneous searchslave tradeslave tradersold southsoldiersteamboatU. S. ArmyU. S. Colored CavalryU. S. Colored InfantryU. S. Colored TroopsU. S. Navyuncle(s)veteranwidow Rev. Thomas Nelson Allen looking for his family Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) November 24, 1894 Unknown searching for Robert Jones’ parents Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) September 22, 1894 Andrew J. Harris looking for Parthenia, Gilbert, and Ella Joyner Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) September 8, 1894 Sandy and Susan Anderson searching for relatives Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) July 14, 1894 Unknown looking for the mother of George Fields Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) December 2, 1893 Georgie Bass seeking Georgie Robinson Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) September 30, 1893 Oscar Jackson seeking Charlotte Blackwell Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) September 16, 1893 Robert Nowland looking for his family Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) June 21, 1893 Mrs. A. G. Jackson searching for Mrs. Louisa Pollox Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) May 13, 1893 Ezekiel Crenshaw seeking his relatives Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) April 29, 1893 Josephine Bass searching for her siblings and father. Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) January 21, 1893 Thos. Thompson seeking Armistead Goode Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) June 10, 1899 Sally Ann Coles searching for her aunt Mrs. Matilda Fegans Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) November 18, 1905 Amanda Griffin searching for her son, William "Pepper" Griffin Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) February 1, 1902 J. C. Boone looking for fellow servicemembers The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN) September 12, 1891 R.E. Malone searching for Robert Brown The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) April 8, 1916 William H. West searching for his sister Mary Martha Outlaw (formerly Mary Martha West) The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) April 8, 1916 Mrs. James Wheeler (formerly Julia Boyd) searching for her sister Miss Mandy Boyd The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) March 25, 1916 Ella Irene Hill Butler searching for her aunt Mrs. Winnie Johnson, as well as her uncle Thomas Hill and his wife Rena Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) February 26, 1916 Mrs. Lucy Williams searching for mother Lucy Williams and grandmother Louisa Williams. The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) February 5, 1916 George Tibbs searching for his brother Lias Tibbs The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) January 1, 1916 Harriet C. Riera searching for her aunts Mrs. Josephine Thompson and Mrs. Ellen Blackstalk The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) December 18, 1915 Mrs. C. Goodlette seeking Harrison Hurbert Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) November 27, 1915 Mrs. Mary M. Ancell searching for her father Joseph Fray The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) April 24, 1915 Miss Bertha Williamson searching for her brothers The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) March 6, 1915 of 7