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Alexander Wood searching for former fellow servicemembers

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Alexander Worshup searching for his family

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Aley Pruett (formerly Aley Carr) searching for her son William Frago

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Alford Woodson searching for his brother Robert Woodson

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Alfred and Eliza Lee  searching for their sons Oliver Franklin and Charles William Lee

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Alfred and Mary Bowman searching for Frances McConeco

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Alfred Anderson searching for his unnamed son

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Alfred Buckner searching for his brother Horace Buckner

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Alfred Dorvard searching for his brothers John Tucker and Payton Tucker

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Alfred Dowd searching for his brothers, John and Peyton, and his mother Sallie Tucker

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Alfred Grason searching for his mother Harriet Grason

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Alfred Harrison searching for his mother Mrs. Cloe Jarvis

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Alfred Hawkins searching for his brother Elias Hawkins

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Alfred Jurard searching for his uncle Lewis Jurard

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Alfred Peacock searching for his cousin Emaline Caloway

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Alfred Peacock searching for his cousin Emmaline Caloway

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Alfred Seales searching for his sisters Caroline and Jenny and brother Lausom

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Alfred Simpson looking for his mother Nellie Simpson

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Alfred Skinner looking for his mother Rebecca Skinner and several siblings

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Alfred Troidie searching for his siblings Dolphus, Francis, and Carrie Troidie

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Alfred Tucker searching for his brothers, John and Peyton, and his mother Sallie Tucker

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Alfred Tyler searching for his step-sons

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Alfred Yancey (formerly Alfred Venable)  searching for his seven brothers and one sister

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Alfred Yancey searching for his relatives, including his wife Phoebe Chandler

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