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Dinah Anderson seeking information about her step-daughter Sarah Anderson

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Miash Merit looking for her mother Fannie With

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Louisa Irvine (formerly Louisa Biggs) looking for her sister Polly

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John Prince looking for Tilton Prince (or Tilton Whitehead)

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John Shackelford looking for his mother Caroline and seven siblings

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Ephriam Steward searching for Ephraim McFershier

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Mary Jane Irwin seeking information about her parents William Alexander Irwin and Sarah Irwin

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Joe Holder searching for his father Holder Waddler and cousin Adeline

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Isaac Adams seeking information about his brother Berry Caldwell

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Maria Holland searching for her parents Archie and Betsey Howard and her siblings Lucy Ann, Philis, and Ned

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Mary Ann Moore looking for her father Edmond Reese

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Nelson Jones searching for his brother Henry and Harris Jones

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H. A. Williams searching for his father Isaac R. Williams, mother Mary, sister Kate, and aunt Hannah

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Almira Shepherd seeking her mother Nan Avon and siblings Jesse, William, Irvine, Jane, and Lucy

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Jennie Stapp searching for her brother Woodson Hardy

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Matt Murray searching for his father Abraham Murray and his mother Celia

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Easter Jones searching for her mother-in-law Kitty Russ and brothers-in-law Christopher Russ and Edmond Gooden Russ

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D. D. Jordan searching for his nephew Fleming Jordan

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Sarah Ann Ray Caldwell searching for her mother Amy Ray

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Savaran Moore searching for their brother Edmond Francis

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Rachel Bannister searching for her sisters Easter and Lucinda

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Martha Brown (formerly Celia Lampkine) searching for her mother Jane Lampkins

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Miss P. L. Foster seeking her father's family including father Joe Foster

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John Bosan looking for his father Abe Bosan

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Hester Moore looking for his aunt Louisa Polk

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