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J. E. J. looking for information about Lewis Kelley

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Gibson Turner looking for his sisters Nancy and Hannah and brother Clemen

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F. F. McComas looking for William Braxton's children Menizer, William, Agnes, and Angeline

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P. M. Carmichael searching for their aunt Bettie and uncle Daniel Carmichael

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Frederick Tyler looking for his children Harriet, Henry, and Wesley

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Spencer Coleman searching for his mother Mary and brother Ed

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Thomas Williams searching for his mother Susan and siblings George, Louis, Bemersion, and Lydia

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Mrs. G. A. Neal searching for nephew Mr. Edward Pool

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Annetta Goodwin searching for her father Thomas Jones and several siblings

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Thomas Hickison searching for family of Charlie Wilson, deceased

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John Thomas searching for Nancy Hazzard and Robert Hazzard, children and heirs of George Hazzard (1st of 2 ads placed)

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Mrs. Lucinda Hackett searching for her sister Amanda Jackson

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Seeking heirs of Dolly Mack

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Jennie Bass seeking the whereabouts of Charles J. Wilson

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Sam Russell searching for his mother Goodly and siblings

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Lucinda Pillow (formerly Lucinda Hargrave) searching for her siblings George and Fannie Hargrave

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Randle Johnson searching for his relatives and the relatives of his wife Sandy Anderson

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George Henry Forbes searching for his father George Henry, mother Henrietta Forbes, and siblings James, Margaret, and Area

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R. D. Jones looking for the children and grandchildren of Henrietta Broadwater

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Mary Rakes searching for her mother and her mother's grandchildren Sammy, George, and Betsy

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B. T. Gunter searching for heirs of Lydia Ann Young

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Stanley P. Mitchell searching for James H. Rogers (also known as James Washington)

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Mrs. Amy Frenchy (formerly Amy Morris and Amy Baxter) found her mother Feraby

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James Wilson searching for his siblings William, Harkles, and Bermiller

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Kitty Hanley searching for her children Esther and Sam

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