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  • Newspaper: Indiana
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Peter Perry

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Priscilla Wilson

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Rachel Richardson seeking information about her mother Mrs. Phoebe Holman, sister Caroline Holman, and brother James Holman

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Randle Johnson searching for his relatives and the relatives of his wife Sandy Anderson

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Richard Wright searching for his relatives including his father Richard Wright

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Robert Brown seeking his grandfather Elijah Brown, grand uncle Edward Brown, and brother William Brown

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Robert Hughes seeking the whereabouts of his brother Charley Calison and sister Millie Calison

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Sallie Henry searching for her mother Matilda Levy

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Sallie Johnson seeking her sisters Lucretia, Eliza, and Polly Sadler

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Sam Russell searching for his mother Goodly and siblings

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Sarah C. Howard

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Sarah Hooper (or Hooker)

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Simon Randolph Jr. seeking his uncle Willis Staten

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Susan Anderson (formerly Susan Burrus) seeking information about her mother Rachel and her father Martin

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Susan Anderson found her brother and relatives

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Susan Harris

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T.T. Brown

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Teaner Deaver seeking their mother Bettie La Mott

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Tenie L. Robinson

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Thomas Sheals searching for his mother Rose Sheals and his wife Amanda Sample

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Thornton Mitchell seeking his brother Gilbert

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Unnamed man finds his sister, Louisa Smith, through ad

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W.W. Woodroe

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Washington Harrard seeking his sisters Luvenia and Francis Harrard

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