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Noah Summers looking for his brothers Scott and Ingram Davis

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Optic Bealer

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P. W. Jones searching for his friend Wash Jones (formerly Wash Perkins) and his children

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Peter Boxler

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Peter Stroman (formerly Peter Blakey) searching for his father Bill Bridges

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Pinkey Bailey searching for Aaron Curran

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Pleasant Beale (formerly Pleasant Slater) searching for her mother Nancy Slater, father Carlisle Slater, and brother Peter Slater

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Priscilla Wilson

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Puss Hagan searching for her mother, brothers, and father

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R. B. Swayze searching for their brother Eugene Swayze

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R. E. Johnson seeking information about their mother Lottie Rush, sister Mollie Welch, and brother Moses Vaughn

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Rachel Plage searching for her son Dockey Lane and daughter Mary Lane

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Rev. Charley Brown searching for his aunt Rose, uncle Ben Menard, and their children, and Uncle Marshall Strother and his wife Patty

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Rev. Geo. W. Norris searching for his sister Pagia Clark

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Rev. J. F. Cox searching for his brother Wilson Cox

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Rev. J. W. Lampton looking for parents Jacob and Mary Hughs

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Rev. W. H. Edwards seeking information on his brother Rev. W. E. Edwards

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Richard Dillard searching for his brother Joe Nitlett and sisters Charlotte Nitlett and Katie Dillard

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Robert A. Jeter searching for his sister Nancy Jeter

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Robert Hubbard searching for his parents Camilla and Robert and his siblings

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Robert Hughes seeking the whereabouts of his brother Charley Calison and sister Millie Calison

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Robert Youngblood Henry searching for his aunt Malisey Ervin

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Royether Brown

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S. C. Young searching for their mother Menty Young

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S. Hawkins searching for her entire family

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