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Mary Delaney looking for information about her mother Sicler Finley and unnamed siblings

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Martha Pasco (formerly Martha Veile) seeking information about her mother Silvire Veile

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Martha Easte searching for her family including mother Martha and uncle Andy Johnson

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Maria Moore (Vennard)

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Maria Holland searching for her parents Archie and Betsey Howard and her siblings Lucy Ann, Philis, and Ned

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Margaret Rector (formerly Martha Ann Stewart) looking for her mother Kitty Stewart and siblings

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Manuel Rose searching for Victoria Chambers

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Mahallah Escoe seeking her brother Robert Cofield

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Mahala Wilkes (Willis)

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M. A. Heinz looking for information about Martha A. H. Stewart

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Lucy Wilson (formerly Lucy Scott) seeking information about her mother Bettea Scott and several siblings

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Lucy Smith is searching for her father William Smith

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Louisa Mitchell searching for her father Frank Walker, mother Harriet Walker, sisters, and brothers

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Louis Williams

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Lewis Williams searching for Rachel Balkam

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Laura Christian searching for her husband.

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Laura Amevine looking for her daughters Anna Couch and Avena Hobby

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Kizzie Franklin (formerly Kizzi Ortry) searching for her daughter Eliza Ortry's brothers Bob and John Orty and Edy Denson

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Kitty Presnell seeking information about her children Davie, Mariah, and Catherine

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Kitty Presnell (formerly Kitty Paxton) searching for her children Davie, Maria, and Cathrine (2nd of 2 ads placed)

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King Hopson searching for his brothers Sam, Giles, Allen, and Cross

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Katie Patterson seeking information about nieces Clara Ann Rogers and Mary and nephews William, Isaac, and George

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Julia Sloan seeking information on her brother Arnold Ellis

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Julia Carter searching for Carter family

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Julia Ann Nicholson searching for sons Carroll and Henry Jefferson Nicholson

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