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  • Searchee is exactly Columbus, MS
Parmelia Dyer searching for her mother Eliza Elder and her sister Sarah Sikes

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C. J. Johnson seeking information Susan Hineway's granddaughter Ann Elizabeth Sykes (1st of 2 ads)

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C. J. Johnson searching for Ann Elizabeth (2nd of 2 ads)

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John Wesley searching for his family

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Alice Rebecca Lewis searching for her mother Martha Jackson and her sisters

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F.A. Shumpert searching for his aunts Mary Warren and Martha Gordon

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Shep Rinfroe searching for his mother, brothers Isaac, Bird, and Peter, and sisters Sarah and Alicia

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Robert F. Sturdivant (formerly Robert Freer) searching for his aunt Henrietta Eaton

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Marion Weaver searching for their brother Wash Weaver (also Wash Golden)

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America Liggins searching for her father Pat Robinson, her mother Mima, and her siblings

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Mrs. Alice Rebecca Lewis searching for her mother Martha Jackson and sisters

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James W. White searching for his mother and siblings, including his sister Betty Posqually

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Shack Partee searching for their mother Hagar and father Richard

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