Mrs. Mary Smith searching for her parents Thomas and Roda Hawkins and her younger brother Henderson Hawkins

Mrs. Mary Smith wants information of
her mother and father, Thomas and Ro-
da Hawkins, and her brother, Henderson
Hawkins, who was only two years old
when I saw him last. They all belonged
to one Dr. Daniel Johnson, of Philadel
phia, Marion county, Mo., and he sold
them to one Dr. Hawkins, of Memphis,
Tenn , who owned them before they came
to Missouri. Since they went back to
their first owner in Memphis, I have
tried to find them and although I have
not seen my parents for thirty years yet
if they are living I will be happy to learn
of their whereabouts and whether my
brother is living or not. All my rela
tives are in the South Direct to Mrs.
Mary Smith Palmyra, Mo , care of Mr.
George B. Bennett.

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