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Alvy Ellis searching for her mother Judy

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Alwilder Marr searching for his brother Charley and his mother Susan

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Amanda Adams (formerly Amanda White) searching for her father John Williams and sister Jane Wallis

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Amanda Adams searching for her father, John Williams, and sister Jane

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Amanda Allison (formerly Amanda Shaw) looking for her mother Ann Roscoe

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Amanda Banks searching for her sister Mary Eitson.

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Amanda Fields search for her father Jordan Mias

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Amanda Fields seeking information about her father Joseph Mias

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Amanda Griffin searching for her son, William "Pepper" Griffin

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Amanda Harbin searching for Milton Harbin

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Amanda Jane Bass (formerly Amanda Jane Wilson) searching for her mother Emily Wilson and siblings

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Amanda Jane Prince searching for her mother Charlotte Whiteside and siblings Jesse Whiteside, William Henry Whiteside, George Washington, Penny Green, Owa Penny, Lusinday Whiteside, Julia Whiteside, Mary Elizabeth Penny, and Louisa Penny

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Amanda Overton (formerly Amanda Williams) looking for her family, including her mother Martha

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Amanda Smith searching for her son John White

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Amanda White searching for her father James, mother Esther, and siblings

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Amanda Whitfield (formerly Amanda Straan) searching for her mother, Annie Straan, sisters Hannah, Betsy, Matilda, and Martha Maria, and brothers Columbus and Richard

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Amanda Whitfield (formerly Chiranda Sarah Jane) in search of family members including her mother Ann

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Amanda Wood (formerly Amanda Bekley) searching for her sons William and Archibald Bekley

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Amanda Woods searching for her brother Robert Kinseloe

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Ambrose Dallas Ayres looking for his uncles

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Ambrose Maxey searching for his father David, mother Malinda, sisters Sophie and Mary, and brother Jack

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Amelia Brown seeking information of her sister Mary Jane Rice

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Amelia Fountain searching for her mother Margaret Johnson

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Amelia Simmons searching for her mother Elinda and siblings

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