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Rachel Emanuel searching for her brothers Columbus and Alex Jones

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Rachel Dollar searching for her parents and siblings

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Rachael Williams searching for her father Lewes Emperor Williams

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Rachael Alexander searching for her family

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R.N. Noel searching for his father Dick Noel

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R. H. Singleton searching for their uncles Bob, Joshua and Mizca McRae

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Professor D. M. Frias seeking their mother's relatives

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Priscilla Stark (formerly Priscilla Baylor) searching for her kidnapped son.

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Priscilla Benjmin searching for her brothers, sister and aunt

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Peyton Waumack looking for his mother Clarissa Waumack, father Peyton, and siblings

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Peter Woods searching for his brother Dick Woods

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Peter Fair seeking his sister Mrs. Hannah Hughes

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Peter Fair seeking his sister Hannah Hughs

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Peter Boxler searching for his father James Boxler

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Pastor L. M. Hagood seeking the family of church member

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P. P. Brooks looking for his son Tony Jones

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P. H. Louise (formerly Nellie Louise) searching for their father Mose Louise

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Oliver Bradford searching for his brother William Green Bradford

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Octavia Tuilly searching for her mother Files Underwood and her siblings

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Nick Franklin seeking Amy Franklin

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