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Julia Grant looking for information about her husband John Grant

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Anna Jinkins searching for her children John, Jesse, Susan, Juda, Caroline and Emmeline Jinkins

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Lucinda Johnson looking for her mother Hannah and brother Levy

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Joshua Moore searching for Samuel, Ephraim, Rachel, Masey and John Moore

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Alice Mitchell looking for her father Joshua Clarke and mother Polly Clarke and siblings Joshua and Kate

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Edie Wicher searching for her daughter Maria Francis Wicher and also Amy Wicher

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Edward Laggan seeking information about his daughter Sarah Laggan

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Elizabeth Lewis (formerly Ruth Maria E. Grey) searching for her brothers William Alexander, John Scott and William Grey

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Lucy Anderson searching for her sons Emanuel, Doctor, Peter, and Douglas Anderson and daughter Rachel Rummell

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Agnes Taylor seeking information about her son Watson

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Emily Holms seeking information about her daughter Lauriah Smith

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Nancy Lowry looking for her son Thomas Lowry

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M. A. Heinz looking for information about Martha A. H. Stewart

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Louis Hartshorn looking for sons Elbert Osborn Hartshorn and Richard Louis Hartshorn

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Rev. William Chapman looking for information about his brother John Chapman and sisters Sarah and Francis Chapman

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Rachel Sharp looking for her siblings Melvina, Maria, and Sam Sharp

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Rev. J. McKenzie Harrison seeking information of his uncle Caesar Emmanuel and his brother Richard Spencer (2nd of 2 ads)

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Lucy Ann Swann seeking information about her parents Lizzie and Joe Swann

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J. T. Hammond seeking information of Rev. J. A. Robbins

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Seluda Calaway searching for her sons Henry and George Calaway (1st of 2 ads placed)

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Seluda Calaway looking for information about her sons George and Henry Calaway  (2nd of 2 ads placed)

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A. A. C. Farris seeking information of his unnamed brother

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A. A. Hill seeking information of his siblings Andrew, Wesley, Alex, and Rosy

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Martha M. Bass looking for the whereabouts of George M. Graham

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Benjamin Jackson (formerly Benjamin Wicks) seeking information about his mother Harriet Wicks

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