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Louisa Hargraves (formerly Louisa Scott) searching for family including mother Mrs. Maria Ann Scott and father Daniel Scott

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Samuel Togood searching for mother, Priscilla Togood, and any of her relatives

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Perry Watts searching for family

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Louisa Burton searching for her extended family

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Elizabeth Jackson searching for her brothers Jayaret Cooper, John Henry, and Henry Juberter

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France Jones searching for her sister Marietta Sliny

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Betsy Dod searching for her family members including father Summer Thompson and mother Easter

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Sarah Ann Lewis searching for her family

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Betsy Dennis searching for her brother Stephen Dennis

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Lloyd Shorter searching for his sister Marcelia Shorter

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Rebecca Harden searching for her mother and brothers

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Rev. J. N. Oden

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Jacob Robinson searching for his uncle Major Savage

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Emily Joseph (formerly Amy Stanly and Emily Stanly) searching for her mother Ann Stanly

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Mary C. Edward (formerly Mary Catherine Robinson) searching for her two brothers and aunt

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J. T. Henry searching the relatives of his mother July Henry (formerly July Farrow)

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Rev. J. N. Oden searching for relatives

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Louisa Ewing looking for her mother Louise

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Harriet McArny seeking information about her father Isaac Seanal and brother Getues

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Louisa Ewing looking for her mother (2nd of 2 ads)

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Harriet Jones searching for Walter Harris, also known as Walter Jones

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Henry and Sandy Anderson looking for their mother Peggy and several siblings

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Mary Johnson searching for her father Thomas, mother Emily and her siblings

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Thomas Kellum searching for his cousin Emma Ashby

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Unnamed mother searching for her son Stephen Jones

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