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Georgia Irvin seeking information on her brothers Sydney and Nelce Terrell

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Sealia  Lanton searching for her siblings Claricie Lanton, Chawnie Lanton, and Sie Brown

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Lucy Harden (formerly Minnie West) looking for her mother Mary Glover, father Squire West, sister Lucy Nelson, and brothers Brooks and Wilson West

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Lucy Harden searching for Anderson, Marie, Peter, Zadie, Green, and Lavie Harden

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D. W. Tucker (formerly Dred Hankins) searching for several family members including his sisters Jane, Harrie, Creasy, and Annie

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Mary Goodrich searching for her sister Arabella

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Washington Ellerson searching for his mother Lucinda Lumpkins

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Mary Matilda Vaughn searching for her father and aunt

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Harriet McArny seeking information about her father Isaac Seanal and brother Getues

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K. R. [K. Robinson?] searching for Ben Schwartz

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E. H. Lampkins searching for his former wife Mrs. Bennie Jacko (formerly Mrs. Bennie Lampkins)

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Ann Eliza Tucker searching for her brother George Washington

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