George Craig searching for mother Jemima and his brothers Jefferson and Joseph

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Judith Sweets

I was excited to find this 1866 advertisement by George Craig, [also known as "Joe" Craig] searching for his mother, Jemima, and two brothers. I am not related to him but I have been researching the Kansas Underground Railroad for many years. I learned that George Craig was a passenger on a Kansas Underground Railroad journey from Leavenworth, K.T. to Lawrence, K.T. to Iowa in 1860.  

You may be interested to know that George Craig was able to reunite with his mother, Jemima Craig, and other Craig family members in Leavenworth, Kansas in March 1895. He indicated in a newspaper article [Leavenworth Weekly Times, Leavenworth, Kansas, 7 March 1895, p.3], that it was forty years since he had last seen them. He was able to spend a week with his family in Leavenworth before he went back home to Iowa. 

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