HomeHow to Search

How to Search

Search Tips

  1. Search by name

    Enter a full name, first name, or last name—consider multiple spellings for each. For example, Phoebe might appear as Phebe, Pheobe, or Febe.

  2. Search by location

    Enter the town, county, and/or state.

  3. Search by a specific term

    For example, enter “blacksmith” or “sister” which produces all ads in which those terms appear.

Find Ads Using the Map

Explore the map to see ads displayed by the searcher’s location and where they searched..

The Map

Find Ads by Newspapers

Search ads based on the newspapers where they appeared.


Find Ads Using Tags

Tags are terms that do not appear in the ads but have been added by our team to allow you to discover ads that share common themes. See our glossary of tags.
