Unnamed person searching for Henry Hughes or other relatives of Miss Sally Hughes

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Shawn V. Edmonds

Husband: William J. Edmonds Born: at: Married: 1789 at: Amherst County, Virginia Died: UNKNOWN at: Father: Mother: Other Spouses: Wife: Sally Hughes Born: at: Died: UNKNOWN at: Father: Mother: Other Spouses: CHILDREN Name: Esom Edmonds Born: at: Married: 23 NOV 1805 at: Franklin County, Virginia Died: UNKNOWN at: Spouses: Sophia Green Name: Nancy Edmonds Born: at: Married: 1807 at: Died: UNKNOWN at: Spouses: Robert Ferguson Name: Rachel Edmonds Born: 1785 at: Married: 22 DEC 1803 at: Franklin County, Virginia Died: UNKNOWN at: Spouses: Abraham David

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