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Harriet McArny seeking information about her father Isaac Seanal and brother Getues

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Harriet Mayo searching for family Joseph, Richard, Aaron, and Lucy Mayo

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H. P. Riley searching for their brothers Charles, Bob, and Irvin

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H. J. Covell searching for a former U.S.C.I. soldier George Wedge

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H. C. Binford is searching for Mr. John H. Branford

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George W. Thomas searching for his brother Allen Thomas

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George W. Dennis, Cecelia, and their mother seeking Andrew and Richard Dennis

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George W. Dennis and relatives searching for brothers Andrew and Richard Dennis

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George Simpson searching for George Simpson, a former slave

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Francis Randall searching for their brother Wesley Summos

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Fanny Brown searching for soldiers who served with Jackson Brown

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Fannie Robinson searching for her husband Cayrel Robinson

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Emma Cloud looking for George Hutchinson

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Emeline Jones looking for her son John Jones

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Ellen Dixon searching for her son John Dixon

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Elizabeth Smith searching for soldiers Alfred Johnson, Samuel Smith, and Henry Allen

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Elizabeth James (formerly Elizabeth Torry) searching for her sister Esther Allen

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Eli Newsom searching for Jim Smith

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E. W. Sanders seeking their siblings William, Henry, James, George, Jack, Jennie, Catherine, Willie, Elijah, and Robert Sanders

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E. D. Hicks searching for mother Harriet Hicks, sisters Mariah and Rhoda, and brothers Solomon and Alonzo

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David Turner searching for his brothers John, Charles, James, and Thomas

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Charles Wright searching for Henry Hall

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Catherine Bruester searching for her brother Green Baker (or Bruester)

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Caroline Ramsey looking for her son Wesley Ramsey

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Caroline McAdoy seeking information about her son Munroe McAdoy

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