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  • Tags: Civil War
  • Civil War identifies ads that reference "the war" (1861-1865) fought between the United States and eleven southern states who aligned themselves as the Confederate States of America.

Letitia Weathonton searching for her daughters Sarah Elizabeth Weathonton, Jane Eithenton, and Delpha Ann Weathonton

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Mrs. Gracie Lowe seeking information about Emma and Philip Tinsley

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Mrs. Mary McClain looking for information about her sister Amanda McClain

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Jacob Brown searching for his sisters Louisa and  and Arena also known as "Arenir"

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H. P. Riley searching for their brothers Charles, Bob, and Irvin

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Catherine Johnson searching for her husband John Johnson

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Mrs. Mary Dowden searching for Miss Rebecca Dowden

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Mary Fitzhugh looking for her parents Rowland and Caroline Fitzhugh

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Elizabeth Smith searching for soldiers Alfred Johnson, Samuel Smith, and Henry Allen

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Samuel Rodgers seeking information about his wife Zilphia Rodgers

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Lucy Walker seeking information about her husband Anderson Walker

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Unnamed man looking for his brother Noah Camper

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Washington Bagley searching for his brother William Bagley

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Benjamin Pulpress looking for Phoebe Davis on behalf of her daughter Caroline

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Unnamed parent seeking their children Mary, Daniel, William, Turner, and Annie Cooper

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Wesley Johnson seeking information about his brother Gideon Johnson

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Mrs. Burton searching for her husband George W. Burton

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Richard Seegon searching for his mother Catharine Seegon, Isabella, Rachel, Parry, and David Seegon

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J. H. Smith seeking information on his brother and sister, named Jes and Louisa Butler

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Daniel Harris looking for his motor Nany Arnold and father Daniel Harris

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Jane Birton seeking for information about her husband George W. Birton

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Emily Williams looking for her children Philip, Sarah, and Edward Williams

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Rachel Blunt searching for her brother John Blunt

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Charles Metts searching for wife Jane and children Margaret, Drucilla, Elizabeth, and Chas.

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James Haskins searching for son James Haskins

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