Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 6 ads Subject is exactly "WANTS TO FIND THEM." Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) Tags aunt(s)changed namedoctors (African American)family historyforced migrationformer enslavergrandparent(s)migration (west)parent(s)sibling(s)slave tradesold southuncle(s) Richard Thompson seeking his father Ryland Jones, mother Mary Carter, sister Janie Stokes, and brothers Richard and Henry Jones The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) November 13, 1915 Mrs. Ellen Lee searching for relatives The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) January 30, 1915 Dr. J. Mitchell Smith seeking father's brothers and sister The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) January 30, 1915 J.S. Bell searching for relatives of Abraham L. Cary Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) January 9, 1915 Ambrose Dallas Ayres looking for his uncles The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) September 2, 1911 John H. Woodson The Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) February 11, 1911