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Richard Gray seeking information about Moses Lumly and Polly Noel

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Richard Dickerson looking for his aunt Mrs. Mary Highgate

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Richard Conway searching for his mother Annie Holmes and brothers Lawson and Robert

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Rhiney Bird searching for her sons Cherry and John Walden

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Rev. Thomas Henry looking for his son Asberry (or Rousbey) Henry

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Rev. T. R. Geda searching for Richard Green on behalf of his father Charles Green

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Rev. T. R. Geda searching for Betsey, Lucinda, and Susan Walker on behalf of their mother Clerca Walker

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Rev. T. H. Jackson searching for Harrison Bacon, son of America Bacon

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Rev. P. G. Gowens searching for his aunt Gracy Goodwin

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Rev. N. H. Carper searching for William Sterling Stone on behalf of his parents Jacob and Lucy Stone

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Rev. Mrs. Louisa Singleton seeking information about her sister Mary Ann Goskin and brother George Goskin

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Rev. John C. Brook searching for Henry and Sally Carey

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Rev. J. W. Bowser seeking information about his son Joseph C. S. Bowser

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Rev. J. K. McKenzie Harrison searching for information about his uncle Caesar Emanuel and brother Richard Spencer (1st of 2 ads)

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Rev. J. F. Cox searching for his brother Wilson Cox

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Rev. I. H. W. West searching for his mother Minerva West, and his siblings Mary Jane, Aaron, Elizabeth and Isabella West

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Rebecca Oliver searching for her son Ahin Pricher

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Rachel Raider (formerly Rachel Hopkins) searching for her daughters Mary Ann and Sarah Francis

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Rachel Jackson seeking information about her parents Jenny and Jacob Chambers, as well as her brothers Ned and Jack

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Rachel Hackett seeking information about daughters Sarah Jane and Ellen Hackett

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R. H. Steward seeking information about Laura M. Young on behalf of her parents Moses and Matilda Young

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R. D. Jones searching for Henrietta Broadwater's children and/or grandchildren

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R. B. Swayze searching for their brother Eugene Swayze

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Polly Fields her mother Rose Jackson, and her siblings Peggy Endona, Susan Jackson, Nancy Jackson, and John Miles

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Pink Green searching for his brother Joseph Green

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