Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 6 ads Relation is exactly "Mineola, TX" Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN) Tags changed namefamily historyfemale enslaverforced migrationformer enslaverfoundmultiple admultiple adsparent(s)sibling(s) Susan Anderson found her relatives The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN) September 29, 1894 E. W. Carter seeking their mother Beckie Carter, father Jefferson Carter, and their siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) February 23, 1888 Susan Anderson found her brother and relatives The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN) September 29, 1894 Henry Anderson found his friends and family The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN) April 23, 1896 Susan Anderson (formerly Susan Burrus) seeking information about her mother Rachel and her father Martin The Freeman (Indianapolis, IN) March 3, 1894 Sandy Anderson searching for Sallie Gatewood Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) October 25, 1902