Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 9 ads Relation is exactly "Goliad, TX" Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Dziennik ChicagoskiRock Island Argus (Rock Island, IL)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) Tags changed namefamily historyforced migrationformer enslavermigration (west)ministers please readmultiple adsparent(s)sibling(s)slave tradeslave tradersold southspouse Diana Johnson searching for her family Rock Island Argus (Rock Island, IL) January 18, 1900 Diana Johnson searching for her relatives Dziennik Chicagoski January 17, 1900 Diana Johnson searching for lost relatives Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) December 11, 1896 George Washington searching for his children and those of his friend Mrs. Caroline Coldman Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 12, 1884 Dianna Johnson searching for her mother Hannah Hellard and siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) July 15, 1885 Dianah Johnson searching for her mother Hannah Hilliard, sisters, and brothers Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) September 3, 1885 Charlotte Butler searching for her husband William Butler Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) December 4, 1884 Charlotte Butler searching for her husband Butler Flournoy and three children, William and Ann Flournoy and Jack Bradford Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) September 11, 1884 Adeline Williams searching for her mother Mary Insley and several siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) February 28, 1878