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Jane Birton seeking for information about her husband George W. Birton

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J. W. H. Cathcart seeking information about Robert Whitely

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J. T. Hammond seeking information of Rev. J. A. Robbins

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Hester Jane McPherson seeking her brothers Alex and Willis McPherson and sister Rosetta McPherson

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Henry Flood searching for his parents Wm. and Charlotte Flood, and his siblings Alexander, Maria, Louisa, Ann, and Rose

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Henry Bryant looking for information about his father King Payne and several siblings

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Hattie Ralph searching for her siblings Hattie Ralph, Eliza Ralph, and Joseph Ralph

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Hannah Murray looking for her children Robert, George, Anthony, Winnie, and Lucy Murray

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Hamilton E. Waters searching for Matilda Waters, his brother Simon Cater (or Simon Waters) and several friends

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H. Jolly searching for Alice Bernard

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George T. Parker seeking information about Rev. James Matthew Townsend, Rev. D. P. Roberts, and Professor P. Outland

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George H. Taylor searching for information about George Thomas and Jennie Sanford

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Frank Nelson searching for his brother Daniel Nelson

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Fannie Highland searching for sons William and Charles Highland and daughter Eleonore Highland

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F. Fields seeking information of J. C. Fields

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Eveline Jones looking for her mother Mrs. Silvy Curry and sister Patience Miller

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Ephraim Allen searching for his mother Lucy Smith, brother Peter, aunt Sarah Smith and several cousins

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Enols and Mary Dickerson searching for their children Harris,  Mary Ann, Joseph Henry and Charles Garrison, and Enols Dickerson

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Emma Monroe and Millie Johnson looking for their mother Minnie Mayes

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Ella Nichols searching for her aunt Harriet Nichols

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Ella Lawson seeking her father and mother Joshua and Susan Bundy Lawson

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Elizabeth Brisco searching for her husband Charles Brisco

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Eliza Jane Murray seeks information about her mother Lucinda Hall and sister Malvina Hall

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Edward T. Jones looking for his mother Susan Jones

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Edward C. Hackett looking for his sisters Sarah Jane and Ellen Hackett

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