Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 3 ads Coverage is exactly "Madison County, AL" Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)The Huntsville Journal (Huntsville, AL) Tags child(ren)dying wishestateestate divisionforced migrationformer enslaverfree people of colormaster diedparent(s)sibling(s) Gye Smith searching for his children Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 17, 1880 Mrs. Alice Young searching for her mother Mrs. Candace Quinn and sisters Mrs. Ella Barby and Mrs. Missouri Walker The Huntsville Journal (Huntsville, AL) July 16, 1897 Banister Watkins searching for their mother and siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 10, 1883