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Willie Williams

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William Weeks searching for his brothers John Smith, Alfred Weeks, Greenup Weeks, and Jordan Weeks, and one sister

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Washington Stewart searching for his brother Abraham Stewart

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Washington Lacey searching for his father Sidney Lacey and uncles Jack Davis and Partees

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Wash. Stewart searching for his brother Abraham Stewart

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Wade Hamilton looking for his aunt Juliet

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Vina Johnson reunited with her husband George Perry after 43 years

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Vianna McQueen searching for her daughter Eveline Wagner

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Unnamed searching for their family and friends

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Unnamed person looking for their family Caleb Walter, Peter Bridget, Katie Smith, Emeline Watson, and others

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Susan Locket (formerly Susie Scott) searching for her mother Rachel Suan

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Spencer Jones searching for his sister Edna Millsapt

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Sarah Zuber (formerly Sarah Clark) searching for her mother and siblings

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Sarah Williams (formerly Sarah Bailey) searching for her father Randall, mother Celia, and siblings Levi, William, Leondard, Warren, Elvira, and Hannah

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Sarah Slater searching for sister Lucy and brother Joe Dennis

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Sarah Jane Farris looking for her father Land Callery and her siblings

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Sara Jane Farris searching for her father Land Callery, sister, and brother

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Samuel Pollock searching for his uncles Frank, Sam, and Joe

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Samuel Houston Vernon seeking her mother Esther Vernon

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Sam Joshua searching for his sister Hester and mother Kitty

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Sam Clark seeking information on his brothers John Jefferson and Alfred Clark

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Sallie Ellis (formerly Sallie Carroll) searching for her mother Flora Carroll and brother John Samuel Carroll

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S. Johnson (formerly Ben Johnson) seeking his siblings Rebecca, Priscilla, and Jesse Johnson

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S. H. Cannon searching for his brother-in-law Patrick Ware

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S. G. Marks searching for his father's brother Mathew Perry

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