Mr. Thomas Right-So to Mr. John Walker

November-December 1850

Canaday No [Nov.] 1 1850

Mr. John Walker request from Mr Right so
He is in Canaday an wantes me to right to you
For him he stat [states] in his letter that he is well
And hop [hopes] that thes [these] few lines may find you
All the sam [same] he wantes you to tell his farther
That he is duing verry well so far and he
He wantes to hear from his wife and he
Wantes to buy her and all the children and
if you or anney bodey wantes to right to him
Thay can direct thur [their] letter to
Miss Ammeliya [indecipherable] [Siges]
As was but her nam [name] is Ammeliy James know [now]
Jakes it is your cusein [cousin] a man J. Walker
and if ^[you]^ wantes to hear from brother Thomas Rirght
So you may wright to me I live in boston Mass
on south russel street number 31 and thar [there] you
may find me and he wantes you to right
Him as soon as git this letter and let him hear
From you and all the friends that wantes
To hear from him you tell them when to right
And clous [enclose] the letter yours
Miss Ammeliya James

[page 2]
December the 5 1850
My Dear Mr. John
Dear sir you hav afforded to me munch [much]
Plurcher [pleasure] in anciring [answering] my letter and dear sir your
Letter I recive [receive] it on the 2nd and was glad to hear
That you and all is will [well] and I wish you to tell
All that wantes to know how I made my escape
That I made it in the knight [?] when the
Moon was gone away and thur [there] was no eyes
To see but god and it throw [through] him that I am
Know [now] gitting along and ples [please] to say to my
Farther [father] and to my further [father] in law that
That I feel happy in my escape untell [until]
I thinkes about my
Wife and I hope
That you bouth [both] will talk to her and tell
Her to be not dischor[indecipherable] [discouraged] for I thinks
That I shall see you again
Tell him to tell her if she is not sole [sold?] at
Chusmous [Christmas] she mus let me know how
She and the childrens are a getting along
And [dear?] further
ples to see her and see
if thar [there] is annay [any] way for me to

[page 3]
Send a man to buy her and tell her
That if annay man comes to her
And? tell her that he wantes to buy her
Tell to ask him wher [where] he live and
if he say that lives in england and
He tell you he do you ask him if he
Know Mr Right So and if he say no you
May not go with him but and if he say
That he do you may com [come]
all I wantes is
En [an] opportunity to seen [send?]a man to buy her
for thear [there] is man [men?]
That wood [would] com [on/over]
And buy her at a [word?] thell them that
The pepol [people] is senddaing [sending] up thar [their] cryes
For all that is know in bondiges [bondage]
I don [don’t] know no man buy cullen [unless] her thany [indecipherable]
Are all plesent [pleasant] and calm [indecipherable]
And all so I will cloes
My letter by asking you all to pray
and if thar is anniey that wantes to
Com tell them to com on for thar is
Room enof [enough] for us all
Yours respectfully
Mr Thomas Right So

[page 4]
Cusen [cousin] John Walker
my lov [?] to you Sir and when you
writ me a gain you ples to send
you lov to
Ammeliya James
And hear is parser?[indecipherable] [indecipherable]
and meney other
that I could
Tell you
Give my love to peter [indecipherable] chip
The botten [bottem?] think and to
As meney as you will and
Tell them that
her is room her [here]
For them
You may right me as much
as you
Ples and let me hear
From you
Mr. Thomas Right So

[page 5] Riddick_Family_back
Mr John Walker
Presstigo [Prestige] Pantigo North Carolina

[page 6]
Dear sir I am saft [soft?] and got th[indecipherable]
Saft and men that month $2 000000
I am permited
To go to thar homes
And dine with