Caroline Anderson searching for her siblings John Nelson, Abraham, Dick, Herbert, Clementine, and Caroline

Mr. Editor— I desire to inquire
for my people. My step father was
called Lock. I do not know who
he belonged to. A tree fell on him
and killed him. Mother's name
was Celia Corbit. She belonged to
Edward Corbit. There were six
children— John Nelson, Abraham,
Dick, Hubert, Clementine and
Caroline. John Nelson was called
Jack for short. We lived in Shelby
county, Tennessee, four miles from
Germantown. We belonged to Ed-
ward [Edward] Corbit and were willed to
Rutha Corbit. After she died we
were divided. Celia, Jack and Car-
online [Caroline] were brought to Henderson,
county, west Tennessee. Clemen-
tine [Clementine] lived with Daniel Corbit, on
Big Creek. Abraham lived with
Redman Corbit. I do not know
what became of Dick. Our mother
died in 1876. Jack is with me. I
heard that Hurbert was in Missis-
sippi [MIssissippi], and that Clementine
was in Memphis, Tennessee. I was four-
teen [fourteen] years old when we were parted. Address me at Juno, Henderson
Co., Tenn., in care of Charles An-
derson [Anderson]. CAROLINE ANDERSON.

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