Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 2083 ads Collection: Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Herald of Kansas (Topeka, KS)Lost Friends AdSouhwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)Southwestern Christain Advocate (New Orleans, LA)Southwestern Christian AdvocateSouthwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans LA)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LASouthwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, PA)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans)Southwestern Christian Advocate, (New Orleans, LA)Southwestern Christian Recorder (New Orleans, LA)The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA)The Freedman (Boston, MA)The Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)The True Southerner (Hampton, VA) Tags African Methodist Episcopal Churchantebellum adattorneyaunt(s)baptismcapturedchanged namechild(ren)Civil WarCivil War battleConfederate States Armycontrabandsconvictedcustodydebtdeceaseddesertion (spousal)dowrydying wishemancipationemigrationenslaver looking for former slaveescapedestateestate divisionfamily historyfemale enslaverforced migrationformer enslaverfoundfree people of colorfreedgrandparent(s)heir(s)hired outIndian Territoryinheritancekidnappingleft with Union Armyliteracylynchingmanumittedmaritime workmaster diedmigration (north)migration (post-emancipation)migration (west)ministerministersministers please readmissing person(s)multiple admultiple adsNative Americansnephewnewspaper replynorthern slaveryorphan/orphanageparent(s)pensions (Civil War)person with a disabilityphysical descriptionprobatepropertyrailroadrailroad workerReconstructionremarriedresistancereunionrewardrunawaysailorsearching for former enslaverself-emancipationself-injuryself-purchaseSherman's Armysibling(s)simultaneous searchskilled tradeslave tradeslave tradersold southsoldierspeculatorspousesteamboatstolensuicideU. S. ArmyU. S. Colored CavalryU. S. Colored InfantryU. S. Colored TroopsU. S. Navyuncle(s)Underground Railroadunnamed person searchingveteranwhite fatherwhite newspaperwidow Henderson Clemmons searching for his father Ned Stephenson, mother Charlotte, and relatives Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 17, 1880 D. J. Price searching for his nephew Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 24, 1880 James M. Cullins searching for his father Tom Cullins and sister Vina Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 3, 1880 Thomas Williams searching for his relatives Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 20, 1880 R. D. Green searching for their mother Mary Green, father Robert Green, and siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 27, 1880 A. B. Coleman searching for their relatives Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 10, 1880 Lizzie Abram searching for her mother Eliza Wilson and her siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 3, 1880 Reverend Isaac Harville searching for his mother Julia Harvill and his siblings Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 27, 1880 Sarah Ann Huff (formerly Sarah Ann Jackson Peter) searching for her father Jerry Jackson Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 10, 1880 John Doty searching for his mother May Doty Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 27, 1880 Sylva Wair searching for her parents Adam and Peggie Melton Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 10, 1880 John Colbert Skinner (formerly John Gray) searching for his brother Edward Allington Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) George Reed searching for his daughter Kittie Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 3, 1880 Georgiana Hawarth searching for her mother, sisters, and brothers Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 24, 1880 Mrs. Sallie Crump searching for her children Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) July 1, 1880 Robert Howard searching for his sister Elizabeth Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 10, 1880 Gye Smith searching for his children Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) June 17, 1880 J. H. Cain searching for his brother Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 15, 1879 Jim Napier searching for his nieces and nephews Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 6, 1880 Jos. Evans searching for his mother Yerico Tool and sisters Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) October 9, 1879 Edith Rodgers (formerly Edith Robinson) searching for her mother Molly and three brothers Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) May 13, 1880 Mintie Anderson searching for her father Sam Graham, mother Susan Graham, sisters, and brothers Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) October 9, 1879 W. H. Jackson searching for his uncle Jonah Hartley Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) August 7, 1879 Jason McCloud searching for his father Jason, mother Rosa, siblings, wife, and children Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) July 31, 1879 Harriet Elizabeth King searching for her father Richard Lynch, mother Nancy King, and daughter Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) March 4, 1880 of 84