Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 6 ads Relation is exactly "Little Rock, AR" Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)The Appeal (Chicago, IL)The Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, AR)The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA)The Northwestern Recorder (Milwaukee, WI) Tags changed namefamily historyformer enslavermissing person(s)parent(s)physical descriptionsibling(s)slave tradewhite newspaper B. C. Combs searching for Annie, Gus, and Susannah Combs The Northwestern Recorder (Milwaukee, WI) February 1893 Jordan H. Haney searching for his brothers Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) December 18, 1879 Willie Walker searching for his sister Lula Green The Arkansas Gazette (Little Rock, AR) February 17, 1910 Ben Jones searching for his brother Anderson Jones Arkansas Democrat (Little Rock, AR) May 11, 1892 B.C. Combs searching for his mother, Annie, brother, Gus, and sister Susanna Combs The Appeal (Chicago, IL) October 8, 1892 Margaret Rector (formerly Martha Ann Stewart) looking for her mother Kitty Stewart and siblings The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) February 10, 1881