Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 12 ads Relation is exactly "Cleveland, OH" Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA)Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA)The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA)The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH) Tags child(ren)Civil Wardeceasedfamily historyformer enslaverfoundmigration (north)ministermissing person(s)multiple adsparent(s)Reconstructionsibling(s)slave tradeuncle(s) James H. Howard searching for his wife's siblings Drusilla, Jane, Jerome, Thomas Benton, Jacob Culberson, and Cephas Culberson Southwestern Christian Advocate (New Orleans, LA) December 6, 1888 Mrs. Jackson searching for her sisters and brothers The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH) April 19, 1890 Mary Johnson found her son Charles Jackson The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH) March 14, 1891 Tom Wade searching for his sisters Anna and Laura The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH) March 1, 1890 Horace Richards seeking his mother Senior Richards, father Warner Richards, brothers Louis and Arthur, and sister Martha Ann Richards The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH) December 15, 1883 J. William Bailey seeking his mother Nancy Bailey, brothers Edward, James, and Rufus Bailey, and uncles John and Henry Ash The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH) February 2, 1884 Mrs. Hattie Pratt and Mrs. Rebecca Reed seeking their brother Daniel W. Jackson The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH) February 5, 1887 Mrs. Hattie Pratt and Mrs. Rebecca Reed seeking their brother Daniel W. Jackson The Cleveland Gazette (Cleveland, OH) February 22, 1887 Robert Johnson seeking information about unnamed friends Richmond Planet (Richmond, VA) March 21, 1896 Rev. T. H. Jackson searching for Harrison Bacon, son of America Bacon The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) October 28, 1880 Mrs. Kitty Barnes looking for daughter Milly Barnes The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) November 20, 1873 Joshua Moore searching for Samuel, Ephraim, Rachel, Masey and John Moore The Christian Recorder (Philadelphia, PA) October 24, 1868