Keyword Year How to Search Advanced Search Showing 3 ads Coverage is exactly "Charles City County, VA" Sort by: Title Refine search Source Select...The Anglo-African (New York, NY)The Appeal (Chicago, IL)The New York World (New York, NY) Tags child(ren)Civil Warfamily historyforced migrationformer enslaverliteracymigration (west)multiple adphysical descriptionReconstructionsibling(s)slave tradeslave traderwhite newspaper John E. Onley seeking his brothers Charles and Henry Onley The Anglo-African (New York, NY) August 12, 1865 Mrs. Clara Bashop searching for her daughter Patience (3rd of 4 ads placed) The New York World (New York, NY) October 2, 1892 Mrs. Clara Bashop searching for her daughter Patience Green and son John William Harris The Appeal (Chicago, IL) June 4, 1892