Mariah Abbamier searching for her relatives including her parents Jack and Mary Ephron

I am in search of relatives from whom I was
separated in slavery. I went from the state of
Alabama, Barby county. My owners at that
time were Sharpes, Bammers and Franks. My
father's name was Jack Ephron, my brothers'
and sisters' names were Harriet Ephron, Nick
Ephron, John Green and Carr Green; my moth-
er [mother] s name was Mary Ephron. My father be-
longed [belonged] to the Sharps. I was taken from Ala-
bama [Alabama] and carried to Dykesville, La. Any in-
formation [information] concerning the above will be cheer-
fully [cheerfully] received by Mariah Abbamier, Dykesville
P.O., La.

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