Jane Bell is searching for her children Polly Bell, Grafton Bell, Jeremiah Bell, Lorenzo Bell, and Fanny Bell

A Mother of Twenty-seven Children
in Search of Her Offspring.
To the Editor of the Banner:
Knowing that you have always been
kind to the poor I desire to put this
notice in your paper:
I desire to know of the whereabouts
of my five children (colored), viz:
Polly Bell, Grafton Bell, Jeremiah Bell,
Lorenzo Bell and Fanny Bell. They
lived in Dickson County when last
heard from. I have made every effort
in my power to hear from them, and,
having failed therein, am very un-
happy [unhappy].
We were separated in the year 1858,
at which time we resided in Dickson
County, at Bell's Iron Works.
I have had 'twenty-seven children', and
now I don't know the whereabouts of
but three.
Very respectfully,
Formerly servant of Montgomery
Bell and now at the Planters' Hotel,
Summer Street.

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